New Dutch government promises to provide military aid to Ukraine

Geert Wilders (Getty Images)

The new coalition government of the Netherlands has pledged to continue providing military assistance to Ukraine, according to

The coalition government includes the right-wing populist Party for Freedom, led by Geert Wilders.

Previously, he condemned Russia's aggression and called Vladimir Putin a dictator. At the same time, Wilders said that the Netherlands might reconsider its approach to providing military assistance to Ukraine.

Now, the agreement says that the Netherlands continue to support Ukraine politically, militarily, financially, and morally against Russian aggression.

The new government also believes that the NATO standard of defense spending, which should amount to 2% of the country's GDP, should be enshrined in law.

Wilders about Ukraine

Wilders' party won the parliamentary elections in the Netherlands, and he publicly stated his unwillingness to send military aid to Ukraine.

Later, he said that Ukrainian refugees come to the Netherlands allegedly for free housing and jobs, not because they are fleeing war. However, Wilders later decided to withdraw his plans to become the Prime Minister of the Netherlands.