Russia strikes Vovchansk area with cluster munitions: Head of city military administration injured

Photo: Tamaz Gambarashvili, head of Vovchansk city military administration (

Russian troops today, on May 16, during the day, struck the village of the Vovchansk community with cluster munitions. The head of the Vovchansk city military administration, Tamaz Gambarashvili, was injured, according to Oleh Syniehubov, the head of the Kharkiv regional military administration, on Telegram.

Syniehubov emphasized that the village was shelled in broad daylight when volunteers and civilian emergency services were working there.

In total, five people were injured, including two medics and two drivers.

"The head of the Vovchansk city military administration (Tamaz Gambarashvili - ed.) was wounded," he said.

Shelling of the Kharkiv region

Russian forces significantly intensified the shelling of border settlements in the Kharkiv region after they launched their offensive on the region.

For attacks, the enemy often uses guided aviation bombs, which cause severe destruction. Just a few days ago, Nazar Voloshyn, the spokesperson for the Khortytsia operational-strategic group, stated that over 20 such aerial bombs were dropped on the Vovchansk community within a day.

Moreover, across the entire front line, the enemy often uses cluster munitions for attacks, intended to kill people. Such projectiles not only target the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces but also hit populated areas.