Motive for multiple stabbing in Switzerland still unclear

Police investigating a stabbing attack on passers-by in Switzerland on Wednesday have not been able to establish the identity of the detained attacker or his motive.

The alarm was raised on Wednesday afternoon, when an emergency call was received by the police in the small town of Zofingen, around 50 kilometres south-east of Basel.

A man was stabbing passers-by indiscriminately and had injured several people. The attack began at the train station, then moved on towards an education centre.

Security and emergency services were quickly on the scene, the area around the station was cordoned off and a nearby school was evacuated. The perpetrator was initially holed up in a building where special police units were able to make contact with him.

He was arrested after a stand-off lasting two hours. The man himself was also injured and was treated in hospital under guard.

The police did give many further details on Thursday. "The man is probably of foreign origin and around 40 years old," they said.

He had no identity papers with him.

The police spoke of "cutting/stabbing weapons" being used in the attack, without elaborating.

There is still no information about the man's motive, and the police have not provided any details of the victims of the attack. It was reported on Wednesday evening that two people had been seriously injured and four others had been slightly hurt.