'Ready to start another insurrection’: Gaetz support for Trump echoes Proud Boys order

Members of the Proud Boys in Raleigh, North Carolina in November 2020 (Wikimedia Commons)

House Republicans’ efforts to demonstrate unwavering support for Donald Trump as he stands trial in his election subversion, business records falsification, and “hush money” trial are growing, with GOP lawmakers showing up at trial and reading speeches reportedly written or edited by him that may violate the indicted ex-president’s gag order, and even pausing a House hearing so members can travel to the Manhattan Criminal Courts Building to appear behind Trump, literally and figuratively.

U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), a self-professed “ultra-MAGA” lawmaker, came under fire Thursday after posting support for Trump in words that echo the ex-president’s direction to the far-right neo-fascist group the Proud Boys. The Southern Poverty Law Center lists the Proud Boys as an extremist hate group.

During the 2020 presidential debates, Donald Trump got into a heated exchange with moderator Chris Wallace and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. Wallace asked Trump to condemn white supremacists, but the ask quickly became directed toward the Proud Boys, as this clip from Politico shows:

“Proud Boys, stand back and stand by,” quickly became a rallying cry for the Proud Boys, who went on to have leading roles in the January 6, 2021 insurrection. Four Proud Boys leaders were later convicted of seditious conspiracy, as the U.S. Dept. of Justice announced.

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On Thursday, Congressman Gaetz posted to his social media account a photo of him standing behind Trump at the courthouse, with these words: “Standing back and standing by, Mr. President.”

“Just seeing here that Matt Gaetz [made] an overt allusion to Donald Trump’s Sept. 2020 command to the Proud Boys here (some of whom are now in prison for taking that comment as a call to action on Jan. 6),” noted Politico senior legal affairs reporter Kyle Cheney.

Reuters’ Nathan Layne, remarking on Gaetz’s post, wrote: “Last year former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in prison. He had been convicted of seditious conspiracy for orchestrating the attack on the Capitol.”

Critics expressed concern and outrage.

“They’re ready to start another insurrection,” warned national security attorney Brad Moss.

Condé Nast Legal Affairs Editor Luke Zaleski observed, “The insurrection is coming from inside The House.”

Attorney Robert J. DeNault remarked, “Lead Proud Boy Matt Gaetz reminds us all that he will work with Donald Trump to employ violence and crime to hold onto power.”

Watch the video and read Gaetz’s post above or at this link.

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