Belgian presenter investigated after calling for premier's murder

A Belgian radio presenter has called for the murder of the country's Prime Minister Alexander De Croo in the wake of the assassination attempt on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico.

He is now facing a police investigation.

The unnamed presenter had meant his comments as a joke but they did not come across that way and he completely misjudged the matter, according to a statement from local radio station Waregem1 on Thursday.

"The presenter was therefore suspended immediately," it said, adding that he had apologized to listeners and the station.

On Wednesday, after news broke that shots had been fired at Fico, the presenter said: "To all those who are considering shooting Alexander De Croo but don't dare because of the security precautions around him: You see, it is possible to shoot a prime minister. So I say: go ahead."

Fico was shot several times in Slovakia. His condition remained serious on Thursday.

De Croo filed a criminal complaint on Thursday in the western town of Waregem.

His spokesman wrote on social media platform X: "Incitement to violence is a criminal offence."