Woman starts heated parental debate after banning kids from her wedding

A viral video has started a heated debate between parents and child-less adults after it was suggested that a kid-free wedding is “unfair” and “inconsiderate” to families.

As of late, there have been numerous viral social media posts around the idea of kid-free events, weddings, and venues. Everyone seems to have an opinion on the divisive topic, with many suggesting parents need to stop forcing the responsibilities they chose onto other people.

Credit: Unsplash/Nick Karvounis

Everyone’s got an opinion on kid-free weddings

While it’s not immediately clear where the viral video initially came from, it was reposted by Ultimate (@ultimatebykomi) earning over 5.4 million views in just 24 hours. In the clip, a bride-to-be is informing her cousin about her decision to opt for a kid-free wedding. She did not take the news well.

After the unnamed woman told her cousin about the childless event, she was confronted by her family members rather aggressive perspective. The cousin argued that the bride should be providing entertainment activities for the kids like “personalized coloring books” to keep them out of the way.

“We’ve gone and got a beautiful dress from Monsoon and everything, and a little suit,” she said, suggesting she has two kids. “We’ve been shoe shopping this weekend.”

The cousin only became more frustrated when the bride questioned why she had bought outfits already, given that the official invitations were still being made. She also claimed her daughter was excited about the event and the potential prospect of being a flower girl.

“We’ve just decided as a couple, together, that we just don’t want kids there,” the bride replied, which earned the response, “Is this because you don’t have kids yet? Is it like a bit of a dig because you don’t have kids?”

Towards the end of the tense phone call, the cousin questioned what would happen if she arrived at the wedding with her kids. Shocker, the bridge said she would be turned away. The call then finished with the cousin swearing and declaring her family would not be in attendance, no doubt freeing seats up for the happy couple.

And queue the debate

Credit: Unsplash/Marc A. Sporys

Of course, the clip drew a huge amount of support and a massive amount of criticism. Though most understood that the bride and groom could make their own rules, they didn’t understand why kids were banned from such a happy day.

In support of the cousin, one person wrote: “Didn’t have a child-free wedding. Loved it! They all behaved so well and made me shine even more! It’s quite unfair to exclude kids that know you because they want to celebrate with you.”

“I can honestly say that when I got married, I was 100% for a child-free wedding. Now as a mother, if I could go back in time I would have let people bring their children. I was ignorant back then,” another person argued.

Hitting back at the parents who are “pushing their kids” onto people who don’t want them, one person said: “As a wedding planner, I have pulled unruly children from under the bride’s dress, have caught kids putting fingers in the cake, blowing out all the candles it took me 30 mins to light I could go on.”

Another parent confessed: “As a mum of five a child-free wedding sounds bliss! What parents want to spend all day chasing kids at a wedding!”