Germany investigates AfD politician suspected of laundering Russian money

Petr Bystron

Bystron is under "close scrutiny" due to suspected ties with Russian influence networks. His parliamentary immunity has been revoked.

Prosecutors noted that searches are being conducted at several locations, including an office in Berlin and sites in Munich, Erding, Deggendorf, and the Spanish island of Mallorca.

The private project German Aid to Ukraine, which monitors Germany's aid to Ukraine, also reported Bystron’s alleged involvement in the case. They stated that Bystron is accused of receiving money from the pro-Russian propaganda platform Voice of Europe, which now faces an EU-wide ban.

Read also: EU agrees to ban several Russian propaganda outlets

Voice of Europe is managed by Viktor Medvedchuk, a former Ukrainian MP a close associate of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

AfD leaders Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla stated that there is currently no evidence supporting the allegations against Bystron, which surfaced a few weeks ago.

DW notes that Bystron is running for the European Parliament this year. Another AfD candidate, Maximilian Krah MEP, was involved in a previous investigation by German prosecutors concerning potential payments from Russia and China.

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Section: Nation

Author: Eric Malinowski