RFK's Running Mate Adds $8M

Nicole Shanahan, running mate of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., speaks during a campaign stop Monday in Austin, Texas. ©AP Photo/Eric Gay

The latest infusion of cash could take the sting out of being left out of thepresidential debates for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. His running mate announced Wednesday night that she has kicked in another $8 million to the campaign, the New York Times reports. Nicole Shanahan drew laughter with the revelation during a comedy fundraiser at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville. "I think I know what they're going to say," Shanahan told the crowd, indicating members of the news media. "They're going to say Bobby only picked me for my money."

Shanahan's contribution now totals $10 million. In addition, the tech lawyer and entrepreneur previously gave $4 million to a super PAC that supports Kennedy toward a Super Bowl ad. The new donation is more than twice what other supporters gave the campaign in March, per Politico, the latest monthly disclosure available. Campaign finance laws limit an individual's donations to a campaign to $6,600, but the candidates themselves can give as much as they want. "This isn't just about funding our own campaign," Shanahan said in a statement issued Thursday. "We want to liberate presidential elections from the grip of the existing two-party duopoly, and revitalize American democracy."

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The Kennedy campaign is working to get its candidates on state ballots, an expensive process, and has reported significant debt in recent monthly financing reports. Campaign manager Amaryllis Fox Kennedy said that Shanahan's donation will pay for all expenses related to getting on the ballots. Shanahanjoined the ticket of the independent bid in March.

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