'Real concerns’: Andy Burnham sends message ‘urging’ Farhad Moshiri to now make big Everton decision

Everton’s takeover turmoil has threatened to swallow the club whole on a few occasions, and yet it remains standing firm.

In the most remarkable of circumstances, this plucky outfit continue to pick themselves up from the canvas after reviewing blow after blow, just one of which would be enough to kill the hopes of many fanbases.

Farhad Moshiri is the architect of such unrest, having first driven the Toffees into the ground himself before desperately trying to palm them off onto another organisation.

And with 777 Partners the outstanding willing recipient, much to the frustration of the entire fanbase, the club have become reliant on high-profile figures like Andy Burnham to defend the club.

Andy Burnham urges Farhad Moshiri to make big Everton call

Now, speaking on BBC Radio Merseyside, the Mayor of Greater Manchester has sent an impassioned message to Moshiri as just his latest defence for the club he supports.

He noted: ‘When we beat Liverpool we went from being a club in perpetual trouble with a cloud over ourselves to one that actually was coming through and into the light at the end of the tunnel.

Photo by Alex Pantling/Getty Images

‘Yeah, we were safe and we’ve got the prospect of that fantastic new stadium. It’s down to me and others to do whatever we can to challenge and ensure that Everton Football Club gets the best possible owner that we can and I know I’m not alone in saying that.

You know we’ve had misgivings about the prospective owners [777 Partners]. I think they’ve only grown in the minds of Everton supporters, as we’ve learned more, and I will be urging the current owner to open up those discussions with other partners as quickly as possible because I think there are better potential owners out there.

‘I’m just giving you an honest answer to the way I look at it. I try and give people the benefit of the doubt, but you know, I have real concerns.

‘If we were to proceed now on the basis that the club has been working this season. I think we need to open up to other possibilities. And that is, I think, something that that we would all ask the current owner to do.’

Everton owe Andy Burnham a great debt of gratitude

Burnham is not alone in his crusade to defend Everton, but he has certainly led the way with his unrelenting effort to first argue the points deductions, and now debate the takeover.

Both have been terribly dealt with by the Premier League, who are the real villains throughout all this.

But whether it be radio appearances or letters penned, and even Burnham’s Sky Sports interview being pulled, he has not slowed down.

He will likely maintain this relentlessness until justice is served and Everton are back in a stable position at last.