Witness one of the world’s largest whisky collections

The Diageo Claive Vidiz Whisky Collection at The Scotch Whisky Experience in Edinburgh, one of the largest collections of Scotch whisky in the world. (Pix via SWNS)

These stunning photos show one of the world’s largest whiskey collections – featuring more than 3,000 bottles of Scotch.

The collection, which contains 3,384 bottles of Scotch whiskey, was curated by Claive Vidiz, a Brazilian whiskey enthusiast who dedicated 35 years to collecting bottles of various types, costs, and rarities.

Images of the unique set have been released ahead of World Whisky Day being held tomorrow (Saturday).

Vidiz, who spent his career working in the pharmaceutical industry, was introduced to the booze by a Scottish colleague who visited with six bottles of Islay Malt – and began his obsession.

In 2006, the collection was purchased by whiskey distiller Diageo, and stored at the Scotch Whisky Experience in Edinburgh.

Vidiz said after the purchase: “We have an expression in Brazil – ‘the good son returns home’ – and in my view the collection is back with its family now.”

Now housed in Scotland’s capital city, visitors to the Scotch Whisky Experience can study every bottle in the collection – which includes a 22-year-old Glen Grant, produced by a now-defunct Glasgow distillery.

A representative from the Scotch Whisky Experience said: “One of the most unique aspects of this collection was Claive’s desire to collect as wide a range of whiskey as possible, from the most accessible to the rarest, including eccentric and unusual items.

“Having been preserved in its entirety, we have an invaluable insight into the recent history and branding of Scotch whiskey; a unique ‘snapshot’ of 35 years of the Scotch whiskey industry.”