Newark and Sherwood Extinction Rebellion protestors wearing hazmat suit to protest air pollution in Newark and Souithwell with marches this weekend

This weekend environmental protestors will be taking to the streets to raise awareness about air pollution in the district.

Protesters from Newark and Sherwood Extinction Rebellion dressed in hazmat suits and masks are to take part in a series of walks this Saturday (May 18).

Starting from London Road Car Park in Newark at 11am, protestors will head along Lombard Street and Castlegate where they will take measurements of air pollution before turning into Kirkgate and on to the Newark Market Place.

Extinction Rebellion will protest on Newark and Southwell this weekend to raise awareness about air pollution in the district. Photo: Newark and Sherwood Extinction Rebellion.

Once at the market place the group will engage with the public and hand out leaflets, providing information and invitations to a talk by Professor Phillipe Wilson and Dr Helena Clements at Holy Trinity Community Centre, next Tuesday (May 21), from 7.30pm.

Members of Extinction Rebellion will be joined in the marketplace by singing group, Earth Song, who will perform a short set of environmentally-themed songs.

The protest will then move on to Southwell where they will re-assemble at The Burgage at 1.30pm, before heading towards Southwell Minster, engaging with the public along the route.

Extinction Rebellion member, Wendy Patterson, said: “Air pollution is not only changing our climate with devastating consequences, it is a serious health issue that no one is really talking about.

“It’s affecting people in our community now and we need action to reduce harmful emissions.”

Yvonne McGarrigle, who helped to organise next week’s talk, said: “We are really fortunate that Professor Wilson and Dr Clements are giving a free talk in the town.

“This is a great opportunity for people to learn more about the issue and get informed.

“I hope that the action this weekend helps to highlight the event. We have had a lot of interest already and expect a good turnout.”

Councillors have been invited to meet with protesters at both locations, where they will also receive invitations to the talk on Tuesday.