EU commissioner supports German 'net-zero valley' region

Thierry Breton, EU Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, speaks at the event "Economic Transformation, Net Zero Valley and Digitalization" at DOCK3 on the border between Saxony and Brandenburg. The visit was about Lusatia's application to become the first climate-neutral model region - the "Net Zero Valley" - in Europe. Patrick Pleul/dpa

The eastern German coal-mining region of Lusatia is receiving backing from the European Commission for its transformation into a model region for an economy without greenhouse gases.

During a visit on Friday, EU Industry Commissioner Thierry Breton praised the region's application to become the first "net-zero valley" in Europe and pledged: The European Commission is ready to support this project, Breton said.

A municipal alliance in Lusatia applied for status as a model region in March. The basis for this is the so-called net-zero industry law at European level, which involves the rapid introduction of industries and energy generation without additional greenhouse gases - in other words, net zero.

According to Breton, the role as a "net-zero valley" means more funding for projects, more investment, simpler approval procedures, expansion of infrastructure, development of local competence centres and more high-quality jobs.

What is needed is political will and determination. Breton said that this goal can soon become a reality. The German Economy Ministry is also fully behind the project, said State Secretary Michael Kellner.

"The first steps are often the hardest, but also the biggest," explained Christine Herntier, mayor of the town of Spremberg and elected representative of the Lusatia Round Table. "Net-zero valleys are a very good tool to show what is needed to achieve the goal and, above all, to set the right priorities."

Lusatia is driven by structural change and is therefore ideal for such a model region, said Herntier. "Joining forces gives us another strong push towards a Lusatia that has a future. It couldn't stay the way it was. It has to be something new, something that sets us apart and makes us interesting, even in international comparison."

Thierry Breton (L), EU Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, talks to Oliver Schenk (CDU), Head of the State Chancellery in Saxony and Minister of State for Federal Affairs and Media, before the start of the "Economic Transformation, Net Zero Valley and Digitalization" event at DOCK3 on the border between Saxony and Brandenburg. The topic of the visit will be Lusatia's application to become the first climate-neutral model region - the "Net Zero Valley" - in Europe. Patrick Pleul/dpa