British man tries ‘most American thing’ for the first time and is pleasantly surprised

There are some pretty big cultural differences between the UK and US, and a British guy has just tried one of them for the first time.

Josh, who has more than 4.7 million followers on TikTok, tried pickles straight out of the jar and was really shocked – in a good way.

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Brit tries ‘most American thing’

“I am about to try something that every American does. I’m nervous for this. I’ve never done this but I’ve been told to do this,” he said.

The British guy opened a big pot of pickles and proceeded to pick one out and eat it. To people in America, this probably seems like a really normal thing to do, but in the UK it’s a different story.

We do have pickles in the UK, and there are some people who do like to eat them straight from the jar, but it’s not that popular.

In fact, pickles aren’t that common at all across the pond. The only place they are really found is in burgers, mainly McDonald’s.

“Apparently Americans just get them out the jar and straight in [the mouth]. I mean that is absurd to me, I’ve heard its nice, probably won’t be, let’s get into it,” he said.

The guy popped open the lid, almost gagged at the smell and stuffed the whole pickle slice into his mouth at once – and what came next startled him. He wasn’t expecting to, but he loved it!

“That is not supposed to be that nice. Hold on,” he said before stuffing another one in. “That’s actually incredible. You got me. I’m a fan.”

He got a bit too confident and even started drinking the juice straight from the jar, but wasn’t quite so keen on that.

‘Ya’ll don’t eat pickles?’

In the comments, Americans are absolutely gobsmacked that British people don’t eat pickles in the same way.

“Ya’ll don’t eat pickles?” one person said.

Another added: “Pickles are a straight up snack on all on their own here in the US.”

“Do you guys live under a rock over there?” a third person commented.

Someone else wrote: “It’s so funny to watch you do something Ive done my whole life without thinking.”

“Wait, they don’t pickle stuff over there?” another astounded person said.