Man hit by a train in south-west Germany seriously injured

An ICE train crosses the Cologne-Frankfurt high-speed line near Niedernhausen. A man was hit by a train and seriously injured at a local station in south-west Germany, police said early on Sunday. Boris Roessler/dpa

A man was hit by a train and seriously injured at a local station in south-west Germany, police said early on Sunday.

The 41-year-old was in the track area of Oberwesel train station, some 70 kilometres west of Frankfurt, on Saturday for reasons that were initially unknown, a police spokesperson said.

The driver of the intercity train reportedly initiated emergency braking when he saw the man on the track but could not avoid the collision.

The 41-year-old was then thrown onto the platform and seriously injured before being taken to hospital.

The train driver and around 60 passengers on the train were uninjured.

The railway line was partially closed for around two hours. The police are now investigating the circumstances of the incident.

According to the police spokesman, there were initially no indications that the man had been pushed off the platform onto the track.