Shocking footage shows rats running around Victoria Recreation Ground play park in Canterbury

A mum has told of her shock at seeing several rats running around a children’s play park in broad daylight.

Horrified parent Kellyanne recorded footage of the rodents at Victoria Recreation Ground in Knights Avenue, Canterbury - which was busy with youngsters.

The video shows the rats scurrying underneath a bench before darting out onto a path, as a child can be heard saying: “Look, there’s one, two, three!”

Kellyanne, who does not wish to give her last name, told KentOnline: “Rats in a park are not only disgusting, it’s unhygienic and could potentially be very dangerous.

“Of course, I understand they are everywhere - but alongside children playing was shocking to see.

“I will not go back to that park again, which is a shame as it’s close to my child’s school.”

Canterbury City Council says littering may be causing the rat population to thrive.

The rats were running around a bench at Victoria Recreation Ground in Canterbury

Kelly Anne, who was with two seven-year-old children at the time, said there were about 10 visitors in the park playing as it was shortly after the school day had finished.

The 39-year-old added: “There was a mother with a young toddler too.

“I had two kids with me and just picked them up from school.

“I was going to let them play for 30 minutes before heading home.”

The incident earlier this month is not the first time the Canterbury resident has seen rats in the park.

In the video a rat runs out onto the path at Victoria Recreation Ground in Canterbury

“I’ve seen them several times before,” she explained.

“I was more shocked at the amount of them and the way people were playing alongside them.

“Usually I see one or two running between the bush and the bench and sort of stay out the way, but this day there were seven or eight in total just running back and forth playing with each other.”

City council spokesman Robert Davies said: “We have to be realistic on this issue and say that rats can be found in all parks and open spaces. They simply exist in our environment.

"Rats will always look for a food source and sadly we have become a society that leaves rubbish behind with little regard for the environment, despite the presence of litter bins. It is no wonder their population is thriving.

The video was taken at Victoria Recreation Ground in Canterbury. Picture: Google

"We do not bait out in the open due to the possibility of poison getting into the wrong hands of children, dogs or other animals.

"Therefore, regrettably, the concern raised is not an issue we are able to tackle."