Newsmax host claims partner was beaten for stealing Israeli flag from pro-Gaza protesters

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Newsmax host Sarah Williamson claimed Sunday that pro-Palestinian protesters beat her boyfriend after he tried to steal an Israeli flag they were burning.

"Before we do head into the discussions, I would just like to talk about something personal," Williams began. "Last night, my partner and I were walking home when we came across a large group of protesters."

The host said her partner was "unfazed by the whole pro-Palestine movement" and "continued to walk through the mob."

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"But it was then that we noticed them burning the Israeli flag," she continued. "Now my partner, a proud, patriotic Israeli, walked over and snatched that flag, as I'm sure many of you at home would have done had it been an American one."

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Williamson said the group reacted to her boyfriend by "attacking him, punching him, throwing him to the ground and kicking him."

"But he kept getting back up and wouldn't let them have their way," she insisted. "And as this incident unfolded, they continued to claim that they were peaceful to the police who stood by watching, telling them that they just tried to get back their stolen property."

"Now, I will not deny that my partner took the flag, but burning a nation's flag is an act of violence in itself," Williamson added. "These people are not peaceful."

The host did not offer any photos of her boyfriend or other evidence of the encounter.

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