Rudy Giuliani Blasts Media Birthday Reports After Being Served In Arizona Elector Case At His Florida Home

Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani (X)

Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani was served an indictment in Arizona's ongoing investigation into the state's fake elector scheme. Reportedly, he was served at his home in Florida after his 80th birthday celebration.

Giuliani, a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump, now finds himself entangled in the legal aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, facing charges alongside 17 other defendants.

According to Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes, Giuliani is facing a slew of charges, including conspiracy, fraud, and forgery.

Read: Arizona Indicts 18 In Election Meddling Case, Including Mark Meadows And Rudy Giuliani

The indictment alleges that the former mayor "pressured" Arizona legislators and the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to change the outcome of the state's election, and that he was responsible for encouraging Republican electors in Arizona and six other contested states to vote for Trump, despite Biden's legitimate victory.

Giuliani, who was served the indictment after his 80th birthday celebration, appears unfazed by the legal proceedings.

His spokesperson, Ted Goodman, stated that the mayor was "unfazed and enjoyed an incredible evening with hundreds of people, from all walks of life, who love and respect him for his contributions to society." Goodman also expressed confidence in Giuliani's eventual "full vindication."

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Giuliani took to X and blasted media reports, "FAKE NEWS ALERT: Contrary to reports from journalists who weren't there, our early 80th birthday celebration wasn't "ruined" or interrupted. It was an incredible night w/ friends, including Steve Bannon & Roger Stone. It felt like a strategy session on how to save America!"

Arizona's indictment of Giuliani is part of a broader trend of legal actions being taken against Trump's allies in various states.

The former president himself was not charged in the Arizona case, but was referred to as an unindicted co-conspirator.

Other Trump associates, such as former White House strategist Steve Bannon and longtime ally Roger Stone, have also been implicated in the ongoing investigations.

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The former mayor is also facing proceedings in Georgia, where he is accused of spearheading Trump's efforts to compel state lawmakers to ignore the will of voters and illegally appoint pro-Trump electoral college electors.

Additionally, a bankruptcy judge has expressed concerns about the status of Giuliani's case and his missed deadlines to file financial disclosure reports.

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