'A hit dog hollers': Jasmine Crockett brutally doubles down on MTG's House floor tantrum

Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) -- MSNBC screenshot

During an appearance on MSNBC on Sunday, Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) continued her criticism of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for insulting her during a bill mark-up hearing that led to the Georgia Republican yelling across the chamber.

As Crockett saw it, it was apparent she got under Taylor Greene's skin, telling fill-in host Charles Coleman Jr, "A hit dog hollers."

Asked by the host what is going on in the House, Crockett doubled down on Taylor Greene's apparent belief she can say anything and be protected by the GOP leadership from receiving return fire.

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ALSO READ: 'She's a joke': Meet Marjorie Taylor Greene's election enemies

"One of the great things about me and the space that I occupy is my district," Crockett told the host. "I represent for Texas-30. I don't represent for anybody else — there is only one group of people that elect me. My district is a very diverse district. My district has so many Black women. Beyond that, they have been so supportive, they have allowed me to be who I am. They encouraged me to be who I am because I really am doing and experiencing things that so many other Black women are experiencing but unfortunately, their stories are not highlighted."

"I also took this as an opportunity to again flex on MAGA and let them know that I will always be smarter than you and you can call me a DEI hire all you want to and launch all of the continuous insults that you want to against me but she is no match for me when it comes to intellect," she insisted. "She just decided, 'Oh, I have privilege so I'm just going to say whatever I want to say' and then leaned back and that is exactly what she did. And she knew that she would face no consequences, or at least she thought she would face no consequences."

RELATED:'Mad' Marjorie Taylor Greene meltdown tied to Trump snub by MSNBC host

"I refuse to be somebody's doormat," she warned. "And anybody suggesting that I should, I need you to look in the mirror and maybe check yourself if you believe it is okay for her to say whatever she wants to say to me and the role that I'm supposed to play is one that says, 'Oh, okay, I know she didn't really mean it or it wasn't really that bad or it's more important that I just sit here and be docile.' That is not who I'm going to be."

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