Fico assailant may not have not acted alone, interior minister suggests

The assailant who critically injured Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico in an attack on Wednesday may not be a lone offender after all, a government official said on Sunday.

There are indications that the man may have not acted alone, Interior Minister Matúš Šutaj Eštok told journalists in Bratislava.

"We have put together a team of investigators who will also work with the version that it was not a lone wolf," the minister said.

One of the indications is that content on the perpetrator's Facebook page was deleted at the time when he was in the hands of the police. He himself did not have access to the page at that time.

Fico is out of danger following the attempt on his life on Wednesday, Defence Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Robert Kaliňák told the news agency TASR earlier Sunday.

A gunman attempted to kill him in what Slovakian officials have said was a politically motivated crime.

The prime minister is currently recovering in the university hospital in Banská Bystrica, close to the small town of Handlová where he was shot.