Iranian official reports no contact with President Raisi’s helicopter

By bne Tehran bureau

A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian encountered a devastating crash during its return journey from a diplomatic visit to Azerbaijan. The incident unfolded amid heavy fog as the aircraft navigated a mountainous region despite bad weather warnings a day earlier.

Hossein Hatami, the MP for Kaleybar, has said there has been no contact with anyone aboard the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's helicopter, which is currently unreachable, local agencies reported late on May 19.

Hatami provided the latest update on the incident to Jamaran, stating: 'There is a possibility of an accident or a hard landing. The area is forested, foggy, and covered in snowy heights, making it difficult to explore the region thoroughly”.

“There is no information about all the passengers on the helicopter, and no mobile signal has been received from them. No contact has been made with anyone on board, and they are unreachable, including the protection team.”

Iran’s health minister also said, 'We are in the Mes Sungun area. All rescue forces are busy searching, but the area is very foggy, making the search extremely difficult. All medical facilities, including ambulance buses, surgeons, and doctors, are on-site to provide medical care once the helicopter is found.'

At the crash site of the president's helicopter, massive boulders over 70 metres high are densely packed, hindering search and rescue operations.

The crash site is in the Dizmar Forest, between Varzeghan and Jolfa in East Azerbaijan province, close to the border with the Azerbaijan Republic. Interior Minister Ahmed Vahidi confirmed to state television that one of the three helicopters in the convoy experienced a hard landing, leaving authorities awaiting further details.

Residents reported hearing distressing sounds from the Dizmar forest area between Uzi and Pir Dawood villages, north of Varzeghan in East Azarbaijan province, following the crash, but this hasn't been confirmed.

Despite the challenging circumstances, 40 teams are searching for the wreckage, as confirmed by state TV. However, the search operation faces significant challenges due to deteriorating weather conditions, treacherous muddy roads, and encroaching darkness.

Incomplete reports from security agencies have compounded concerns regarding the safety of those aboard. The spokesperson of the Red Crescent said the severity of the situation, highlighting the uncertainty surrounding the condition of the helicopter and the perilous weather conditions that have resulted in three rescue workers being reported missing.

Amidst the confusion, speculation has arisen on social media, with some suggesting the possibility of foul play, including assassination attempts. Additionally, local sources have expressed concerns about the potential presence of wild animals in the area, including wild boars, brown bears, and jackals, as nightfall approaches.

In the wake of a friendly meeting with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, President Ilham Aliyev of the Republic of Azerbaijan expressed concern following news of the emergency landing of a helicopter carrying a high-ranking Iranian delegation, albeit three hours later.

'Today, after friendly greetings with the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ibrahim Raisi, we were seriously disturbed by the news that the helicopter carrying the high delegation made an emergency landing in Iran. Our prayers to Almighty God are with President Ibrahim Raisi and his accompanying delegation. As a neighbouring, friendly and brotherly country, the Republic of Azerbaijan is ready to provide all kinds of support.'

The incident has attracted international attention, with EU member states and partners closely monitoring developments. The US State Department has acknowledged the reports, stating they are closely monitoring the situation.

Further insights into the aviation protocols surrounding Iranian officials have emerged, with reports indicating the presence of specialized tracking devices aboard presidential helicopters. Despite these precautions, concerns persist regarding the fate of those aboard.

As the situation unfolds, attention shifts to constitutional provisions regarding presidential succession in the event of incapacitation or vacancy. Article 131 of Iran's constitution outlines the process for transferring presidential powers in such circumstances.

According to reports, the helicopter in question was carrying the Iranian President. It has been identified as a Bell 214 helicopter.

Navid Ghadiri Anarki, a seasoned pilot and aviation expert, provided insights into the flight protocols followed by Iran's top officials during an interview with BBC Persian. He revealed that in addition to conventional GPS and transponder tracking systems, Iranian presidential helicopters are equipped with a distinct special tracker device. This specialized tracker has the capability to transmit signals for up to 72 hours, enhancing the ability to locate the aircraft in case of emergencies.

Notably, this incident follows a recent helicopter crash involving Iran's Sports Minister, who survived, as well as a past accident involving former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which resulted in no injuries.

The Iranian nation and the international community await updates on the condition and whereabouts of President Raisi, Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian, and their companions, as efforts to locate and assist them continue amidst challenging conditions.