Trump’s 'thought disorder' will put his mental decline on display at debate: experts

Donald Trump (Photo via AFP)

Viewers watching Donald Trump take on President Joe Biden in a June debate could see firsthandhis mental deterioration as he tries to navigate the proposed 90-minute time frame before what promises to be a huge television audience.

According to John Gartner, a psychologist and former assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University Medical School who has been raising alarms over the former president's mental decline as evidenced by his "glitches" during campaign rallies, it will be hard for Trump to avoid a major slip-up while put in a setting where the back and forth jumps from topic to topic.

In an interview with The Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin, Gartner said "stress" could play a major role when the former president is forced to react on the run.

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“I don’t think he’s capable of sustaining 90 minutes of unstructured conversation at night under stress without slipping,” he explained before adding, "When he does, Biden should pounce on it and shine a light on Trump’s thought disorder in real time.”

According to Harry Segal, a senior lecturer in psychology at Cornell University, Biden needs to keep in mind that the more he gets under Trump's skin, the better his chances will be that the former president will stumble.

“Biden needs to remember that the more Trump feels attacked, the more angry he gets," he stated before claiming, "...when Trump gets angry, his speech becomes tangential, disorganized and sometimes hard to follow."

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