'It wasn't done stylishly': Giuliani gripes about being served AZ papers on his birthday

Rudy Giuliani (Photo by Jim Watson for Agence France-Presse)

Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump's former attorney, complained over the weekend after he said Arizona served him with an indictment notice that was not "done stylishly."

During a Sunday live stream, Giuliani's co-host and girlfriend Maria Ryan recounted how the former New York mayor was served with papers from an Arizona indictment at his 80th birthday party Friday. Giuliani and 17 others are facing charges for an alleged fake elector scheme connected to the 2020 presidential election.

The New York Post described the scene as "chaos."

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"Mayor Giuliani, I have to tell you, never runs from anything," Ryan insisted. "This man is an American hero. Look it, he was never even informed he was indicted. He kind of heard about it from friends."

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"I've been tweeting them for a while," Giuliani said. "And I said, if there's any indication of how you operate since you can't find me and I have announced my location 10 days in a row, you must really screw up vote counting."

"And then I, I didn't know how to get the damn thing because I didn't know when I had to appear," he continued. "So one guy, he walked in between a couple of people who didn't know who he was. And he handed me a folded up, crumpling piece of paper."

"It was a crumpling piece of paper. It wasn't like done stylishly. And he handed it to me, and he said, this is from Arizona. Attorney General, you know."

Giuliani griped that the document he was served was not the entire indictment.

"I still don't have the indictment," he said. "Well, maybe it'll be like Trump. They won't tell him what he's charged with."

"You make an indictment to harass an American hero, and you don't even give them the indictment," Ryan agreed. "He gets convicted, God forbid, if that happens, they'll tell him what the crime was."

Watch the video below from Rudy Giuliani.

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