'He tried to': Andy Robertson shares what Jurgen Klopp did in the team meeting before his last game at Liverpool

Jurgen Klopp will not lead Liverpool as their manager in another match.

After more than eight years, Klopp’s reign is finally over. Liverpool waved goodbye to their best manager of the modern era on Sunday.

It was emotional, and after the Reds secured a 2-0 win over Wolves, the manager took the microphone to thank the Anfield crowd.

What came next was predictably brilliant from Jurgen. His final address to his adoring public very much in keeping with everything that came before.

It was the end of an exhausting few weeks for Klopp, in which he’s been relentlessly interviewed. But away from all of that, the boss just wanted to focus on the game at hand. And speaking post-game, Andy Robertson has shared what Klopp had to say before his final ever match with Liverpool.

Photo by Joe Prior/Visionhaus via Getty Images

Andy Robertson reveals Jurgen Klopp meeting

There was no way Klopp could treat this week like a normal week. It simply was not. Even Jurgen had to acknowledge that.

As he said himself, his final training session at the club on Saturday was incredibly emotional in itself. It was never going to be easy.

But, in conversation with LFCTV on the pitch after the match, Robertson said that right up until the last, Klopp was trying to keep things normal.

Unfortunately for Jurgen, once he saw the reception he was in for at Anfield, that all seemingly went out of the window.

“He tried to make it not about him in the pre-match and things, but as soon as he heard the reception coming in on the bus I don’t think that was possible” said Robertson.

“He tried to make his team meeting as normal as possible but we all wanted to make today about him and everyone wanted to put on a performance for him today.”

What next for Jurgen Klopp

Now that the football is well and truly over for Klopp, it will be interesting to see how his demeanour shifts.

The manager previously spoke about ‘protecting himself’ from the emotion of the day by concentrating on what he knows – the football.

Some of that was evident in Klopp’s approach to his post-match duties on Sunday. Although he spoke with emotion to the crowd, he never let it get on top of him.

Now that that has finished, the German will surely let his guard down completely behind the scenes.

We may not see that from outside of the club, but we’re sure that the first-team squad, coaching team and everyone else involved in the inner-workings will see the best of Jurgen this evening.