Fawbert and Barnard Infants in Sawbridgeworth given ‘outstanding’ rating by Ofsted inspectors

A school in Sawbridgeworth has been judged by Oftsed inspectors as “outstanding” in several categories and was praised for its “calm and happy atmosphere”.

The report gave Fawbert and Barnard Infants an “outstanding” rating for overall effectiveness, the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management.

In a letter to parents, “thrilled” headteacher Lee Wells said the inspection result reaffirmed the Knight Street school’s “commitment to excellence across all areas of education and in providing an exciting, ambitious and unique early education”.

Year 1 pupils playing the glockenspiel

Mr Wells highlighted the subjects the inspectors focused on – reading, maths, music and RE – but stressed “none of the fabulous feedback and work carried out at F&B is down to one person solely: it is a team effort supporting each other in their roles and responsibilities”.

The reports on the four subjects as shared to parents by Mr Wells were as follows:

Maths led by Mrs Brennan was described as a well-sequenced curriculum, coupled with clear decision-making, facilitates a solid foundation in mathematics.

Year 2 pupils playing the outside instruments at the school

Vocabulary is effectively employed and students’ reasoning and oracy skills are nurtured, fostering an environment where learning knows no bounds. The maths lead’s reflective approach and strong vision further enhance the subject’s vitality.

Music led by Mrs Atukorala: with an ambitious and carefully sequenced curriculum, pupils are deeply engaged, demonstrating a profound enjoyment of musical learning. The music lead’s commitment to continuous improvement enriches the educational experience, ensuring that fundamental skills, such as playing glockenspiels, are mastered with enthusiasm. Pupils were confident in using a range of vocabulary to share their understanding and reported how much they enjoyed the subject.

Reading led by Mrs Brooker: Positive attitudes prevail as children show a keen desire for improvement. The reading curriculum is not only well-structured and progressive but also boasts strong fidelity to phonics schemes. Teachers, supported by an ambitious leader, ensure clear routines and swift addressing of misconceptions, benefiting all students, including those with special educational needs. Effective assessment strategies are in place, with a comprehensive understanding of phonics across the school.

Religious education led by Mrs Jones: Students build upon prior learning, with a curriculum that reflects both ambition and refinement. Clear progression from Early Years to Year 2, coupled with the effective use of key vocabulary, ensures a strong impact on learning. Leadership oversight further enhances the subject’s coherence and effectiveness.

Year 1 pupils playing the glockenspiel

A letter from Zoe Callan, on behalf of the school’s full governing body, thanked Mr Wells and his team for their hard work and highlighted comments from inspectors on the “highly ambitious” and “meticulously constructed” curriculum, as well as the calm and happy atmosphere of the school.

Ms Callan added: “The governing board would like to thank all parents and carers who take such an active role in the day-to-day life of the school, including those who have been able to be a Secret Reader and ‘surprise and delight pupils’ with their stories.”

Year 2 pupils playing the outside instruments at Fawbert and Barnard - music was described as having an ambitious and carefully sequenced curriculum

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