Dozens of groups thank Murphy, remind him of the importance of a free and open Liberty State Park | Opinion

Editor’s note: The following is an open letter sent to Gov. Murphy:

Dear Gov. Murphy,

On behalf of the below signatories, thank you for your strong support for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Commissioner Shawn LaTourette’s proposed revitalization plan for one of the most beloved and well-utilized parks in New Jersey – Liberty State Park. As the most densely populated state in the nation, your continued support for open space and park preservation and conservation ensures recreational opportunities for all New Jerseyans for generations to come.

Thank you for supporting the DEP’s thorough public participation process on the proposed consultant’s plans for the Phase 1B and Phase 2 of Liberty State Park. Thoughtful consideration of park access to people of different ages, interests, physical abilities and cultural backgrounds, while protecting the environmental integrity through restoration and conservation of lands ensures a balanced approach to the park’s revitalization. We agree that the DEP’s plans are robust with strong incentives for park use, including proposed 60 acres of free active recreation, small-scale commercial activities and festivals in the renovated Terminal sheds, and an opportunity for passive recreation in a sprawling urban area.

Residents can and will continue helping to fine-tune these elements based on their communities’ needs through the robust public comment process being hosted by the DEP.

The public comment process on the DEP’s proposed interior flood resiliency habitat plans has reinforced the importance of climate resiliency to Liberty State Park and to the surrounding Jersey City residents.

Significant development and removal of green space exacerbates flooding and environmental degradation, and the DEP’s plan limits development and emphasizes natural green spaces while enhancing critical wetland habitat. A DEP 2021 study predicts that precipitation is likely to increase by more than 20% from the 1999 baseline by 2100 with projected changes to be greater in Northern parts of the state, and a sea level rise of 5.1 feet by the end of the century. Future-proofing stormwater and coastal management for Liberty State Park is essential when the state is investing tens of millions into its revitalization.

Misinformation regarding the DEP’s plans, spurred by yet-another round of development interest to privatize and monetize this invaluable green space, continues to spread rampantly throughout the community. The governor and DEP must continue to push back against well-funded misinformation campaigns propped up by special interest groups to ensure Liberty State Park’s future is protected for the public in perpetuity.

Liberty State Park has faced many development proposals throughout the decades, including the most recent. Despite the DEP’s recent rejection of the exclusionary sports and entertainment plan, special interests have continued pushing for their agenda and attempting to cut the DEP’s plan at its knees with deceptive lies. With the overwhelming majority of Jersey City residents, regional visitors and local and statewide organizations in support of keeping Liberty State Park a public, accessible green space, the public clearly does not support attempts to privatize their park.

We thank you, Governor, for committing to the revitalization of Liberty State Park and proposing significant funding in this year’s budget for this monumental project. The new Parks and Open Space Foundation, which will be managed by the DEP and bring in new funding for this and other parks, will complement these budgetary investments. As a treasure of the state, Liberty State Park has the potential for significant, meaningful improvements, which will leave a positive mark on this administration and your legacy.


Ed Potosnak, Executive Director, New Jersey League of Conservation Voters;

Sam Pesin, President, Friends of Liberty State Park;

Alex Ireland, President and CEO, New Jersey Audubon;

Beverly Brown Ruggia, Financial Justice Program Director, New Jersey Citizen Action;

Paula Mahayosnand, President, Jersey City Parks Coalition;

Alison Mitchell, Co-Executive Director, New Jersey Conservation Foundation;

Jennifer Coffey, Executive Director, Association of NJ Environmental Commissions (ANJEC);

Nicole Rodriguez, President, New Jersey Policy Perspective;

Doug O’Malley, Director, Environment New Jersey;

Captain Hugh M. Carola, Program Director, Hackensack Riverkeeper Inc.;

Anne Poole, President, New Jersey Environmental Lobby;

Julia Somers, Executive Director, New Jersey Highlands Coalition;

Ayla Schermer, President, Bike JC;

David J. Epstein, President, The Land Conservancy of New Jersey;

Matthew Smith, NJ Director, Food & Water Watch;

Tim Dillingham, Executive Director, American Littoral Society;

Bill Foelsch, Public Affairs Committee Co-Chair, NJ Recreation and Park Association;

Jeanine Cava, Founder and Lead Facilitator, NJ Food Democracy Collaborative;

Tobias Fox, Founder and Managing Director, Newark Science and Sustainability Inc.;

Marc Wesson, President, Friends of Van Vorst Park;

Laura Skolar, Board Trustee, Pershing Field Garden Friends;

Charlene Burke, President, West Side Community Alliance (W.S.C.A.);

Roger Heitmann, Board Trustee, Friends of Riverview-Fisk Park;

Patrick Ambrossi, President, Leonard Gordon Park Conservancy;

Roger Heitmann, Founder and Acting President, Friends of Riverview Fisk Park;

Kimi Wei, CEO, The Wei LLC;

Moriah Kinberg, President, Riverview Neighborhood Association;

Aaron Underwood, President, Hamilton Park Neighborhood Association;

Kimberly Guinta, President, Sgt. Anthony Park Neighborhood Association;

Alika Muhammad, President, Friends of Gateway Park/Robateau’s JC Community & Quality of Life;

Shirin Vazir MacCormack, President, McGinley Square Community Board;

Debra DeVenezia, President, Pershing Field Garden Friends;

Barbara Weiland, Founder & Executive Director, Kids in Business;

Charlene Messer, CEO, Elegant Bouquet Kitchen Inc.;

Liliana Gomez, Faith Keeper, Hawk Mountain Earth Center;

Melissa Leuthner, Chairwoman, Heart of Vailsburg (HOV) Garden Committee;

Tanya Veltz, Founder & Director, Treehouse Ent & Cultural Arts Inc.;

Pamela B. Daniels, Co-Founder & CEO, The Brickerati Group, LLC

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