Dartford boy with Down’s Syndrome becomes youngest person to complete Camino de Santiago trek

A nine-month-old boy with Down’s Syndrome has made history by completing a world famous pilgrimage.

Beau Young, from New Ash Green, near Dartford has become the youngest person with the disability to finish the 100km Camino de Santiago through Spain.

Beau was mainly carried in a backpack by his parents

Beau participated in the ancient trek to the tomb of St James with his parents Aaron and Sophie.

To receive his certificate of completion, had to travel more than 100km in seven days.

The nine-month-old was carried in a backpack by his parents, and at times in a pushchair pushed by other family members.

After the family completed the 116km French Way (Camino de Frances) from Sarria in a week, they were told by cathedral authorities that Beau had become the youngest person with his condition to complete the Camino.

Parents Sophie and Aaron with their son, Beau

Aaron and his wife are really proud of the achievement.

“We want to show that there are no barriers to it – that someone as young as Beau at 9 months old can achieve these things and challenge himself in this way,” Aaron said.

“That’s what we want to do – give him the opportunities to be able to do and achieve what he wants to.”

The dad said he and Sophie had also been inspired by a runner who became the youngest person to complete the London Marathon last month.

Beau has made history by completing the Camino de Santiago

Aaron added: “We’re all about continuing that kind of inclusivity.

“We want to show people that if you have a child with a disability, that doesn’t mean they can’t achieve these things.”