Mark Wilson explains why Celtic has been a 'special' environment for Joe Hart

Celtic goalkeeper Joe Hart has one more fixture to go in his professional career before retiring from the game in a blaze of glory.

The former England international has already played a major part in ensuring Scottish Premiership glory at Parkhead; regardless, he will have designs on bowing out with a Scottish Cup medal should his side see off Rangers at Hampden on Saturday.

Six trophies have marked Hart’s time in Glasgow as a rip-roaring success; however, his ability to prove doubters wrong in a high-pressure environment like playing for Celtic has been mightily impressive.

Supporters hold his contribution to the club dearly, and his iconic status at the Hoops was reinforced last week after the Green Brigade unveiled a brilliant display that read ‘Super Joe Hart’, showing their appreciation for his efforts.

Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images

Once he does retire, there will be time to reflect on a special relationship that Hart has forged with Celtic, but for now, his focus will centre around preparations for Rangers on Saturday.

Mark Wilson on why Joe Hart and Celtic are a special pairing

Sometimes in football, a player and club click naturally, which with the help of a fanatical support and shrewd management, can create a fantastic recipe for success.

Three-time Scottish top-flight winner Hart would fall into that category, and former Celtic man Mark Wilson has shed his infight on why the the Englishman has enjoyed such a brilliant time at the club.

Photo by Steve Welsh/Getty Images

Wilson stated [Clyde 1 Superscoreboard]: “Celtic has been good for him; there’s not many players at the tail end of their career of their career that get a final shot at something special that only clubs like Celtic can actually give you.

“If you perform well, then you get the ovation like Joe Hart had, if you don’t, of course, it goes the opposite way for you, so it shows how good a goalkeeper he is. He’s had huge experiences all through his career, huge games, huge occasions, but this is a fitting send-off for a wonderful career.”

You get the impression that even after Hart’s playing days are over, he will still be a widely appreciated figure at Parkhead with nothing but positive thoughts about his time at in Glasgow.

Celtic needed some stability following a torturous 2020/21 campaign; meanwhile, the ex-Manchester City hero needed a place to rediscover his best form.

Proving to be an extremely beneficial move for both parties, whoever replaces Hart has a tough act to follow between the sticks.