Eddie Howe addresses Ange Postecoglou being appointed Celtic boss in 2021

One of the longest managerial searches in recent times took place at Celtic after Neil Lennon left the club in the summer of 2021.

The Northern Irishman oversaw one of the most turbulent periods in world history, never mind Celtic’s history, after the COVID-19 pandemic caused misery across the globe.

However, after finishing that season trophyless, Lennon left the club and Celtic began the search for a new manager.

And after weeks of speculation surrounding Eddie Howe as being a possible candidate, a last-minute change of heart meant that Howe walked away and Ange Postecoglou walked in as the next Celtic boss.

Howe ‘never discussed’ Celtic with Ange Postecoglou

Now manager of Newcastle United, Howe is set to take on Tottenham Hotspur in the Global Football Week exhibition being held in Australia this week. [Sporting Life]

And taking part in a pre-match press conference promoting the friendly between the two clubs, Howe was asked by the assembled Australian media if he’s ever spoken to Ange about his links to Celtic prior to the Australian taking over the club.

Howe said [News.com], “We’ve never discussed that.

“It’s always that kind of thing when you’re a manager and you’re looking at your next opportunity.

“I’ve had it myself where maybe certain things have happened, you think you’re going to miss out on a job, and then you get an opportunity that you don’t expect.

“It can change your life dramatically, and it can change your career. That has certainly happened for me here at Newcastle.”

Photo by ANDY BUCHANAN/AFP via Getty Images

Many Celtic fans will look back and be thankful that Howe never took the Celtic job. And that is not to be disrespectful to Eddie Howe.

It’s a compliment to Ange. Postecoglou brought a style of football to Celtic that the fans loved and every second week Parkhead was filled to the rafters because of the exciting brand of attacking football they were watching.

It also brought huge success as Postecoglou won a double in his first season and a historic treble in his second and he will always be remembered fondly by the Celtic support after he picked up and rebuilt a club that was broken prior to his arrival.