Biden Administration Slammed for Issuing 'Odd' Statement on Iranian President's Death

Iranian Presidency Office / AP

The Biden administration issued a pathetic, groveling and out-of-touch statement on Monday about the Sunday death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

Raisi died alongside his country's foreign minister and a number of other people in a helicopter crash, and fingerpointing at the U.S. over the apparent accident was immediate.

But given the White House’s policy of appeasing terrorists, repressive regimes and repugnant figures such as Raisi, the American government's take on the death was no real surprise.

It also wasn’t surprising that within hours of the U.S. State Department’s pathetic issuing of “condolences” for Iran’s government, the White House was met with backlash by sane people.

In a statement attributed to State Department spokesman Matthew Miller, the Biden administration said, “The United States expresses its official condolences for the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian, and other members of their delegation in a helicopter crash in northwest Iran.

“As Iran selects a new president, we reaffirm our support for the Iranian people and their struggle for human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

Not to suggest a celebration of Raisi’s death is in order. God values human lives -- even those of repressive Islamists such as a man who was a favorite to succeed Iran’s aging Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

But we have to assume the man died without accepting Christ's gift of salvation, so Raisi's book has been written and closed.

As The Times of Israel noted, Raisi spent a lifetime earning himself the nickname "The Butcher of Tehran."

The U.S. government could have stayed silent about the death of a man whose government kills people for challenging its oppressive domestic policies and calls for the death and destruction of both Christians and Jews.

Iran is a menace to its neighbors -- and to the world -- and is actively seeking nuclear weapons, so Raisi’s death is not exactly a huge loss.

In short order, Iran will find another lunatic to be the face of supporting the destruction of Israel and the funding of proxy fighters that will target Americans.

That was why Miller’s statement received so much attention.

To say the State Department and the Biden White House were criticized online over its offering of "condolences" over Raisi's demise would be an understatement:

Trump dropped a missile on Iranian General Soleimani

Biden sends condolences to Iran when “the Butcher of Tehran” dies

Guess which one had peace in the Middle East during his term

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) May 20, 2024

BREAKING: The Biden administration finally releases a heartfelt, touching statement to mourn Laken Riley.

Just kidding.

It was for the Butcher Of Iran.

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) May 20, 2024

The US State Department actually published a statement offering condolences to Iran

The Islamic Regime in Iran has been one of America’s top adversaries for the past 20+ years

This is an absolute gut punch for anyone that served in Afghanistan (like myself)

— Shaun Maguire (@shaunmmaguire) May 20, 2024

Iran calls Israel the 'Little Satan' and the United States the 'Big Satan,'

And so, it is odd (to say the least) to see the US express condolences to the enemy that plots its demise. The statement reads:

The United States expresses its official condolences for the death of…

— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) May 20, 2024

This is totally inappropriate. You don’t mourn butchers. I don’t mourn Hitler, Pol Pot, or Raisi.

Biden State Department sends “official condolences” for the Butcher of Tehran. Mortifying.
Amir Tsarfati

— Sue (@SimplySusie3) May 20, 2024

It is not clear yet who will replace Raisi in a mostly symbolic role, but if the past is any indication of the future, the Biden administration will probably force U.S. taxpayers to partially fund that person’s government.

The lunacy will continue unabated with or without Raisi at the helm, and Iran’s punishing and dangerous approach to both foreign and domestic policy will go on as it has since 1979.

Until Iran’s people have collectively had enough to organize to a degree to which they can overthrow their leaders, Iran will remain an enemy of freedom and humanity and a pariah on the world stage.

Until the citizens of this country throw out people like President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, we can expect nothing but more virtue signaling to our enemies.

At least The Washington Post had not eulogized Raisi as an austere scholar in the study of murder as of Monday evening.