'Trump is the real cancel culture': Jon Stewart skewers MAGA’s 'victimization complex'

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After Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker last week said during his commencement speech that "Catholic leaders were 'pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of America,'" and that the women graduating with him "are probably more excited about getting married and having children," Fox News hosts are condemning the backlash against the 28-year-old's words.

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart on Monday night addressed the right-wing network's complaints regarding "cancel culture."

"Contrary to conservatives' victimization complex," Stewart said, "there is no organized cancel culture conspiracy, or even the slightest misstep can 100 percent get someone on the Right canceled."

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"Actually, there is one," he added.

He then played a three-year-old CNN clip reporting: "Congresswoman Liz Cheney gets kicked out of Wyoming Republican Party for opposing Trump."

The Daily Show host then says, "It turns out, when it comes to cancel culture, the ones who smelt it dealt it. There is someone cancelling people on the Right. But the only one cancelling people on the right is Donald Trump, and anyone who dares speak out against him."

"Refuse to buy into Trump's stolen election claims, and you'll lose your job like Liz Cheney and countless others," Stewart continued. "In fact, everything the right says cancel culture does to them, is actually being done by MAGA."

"And what happens when you're a Republican and dare to criticize the boy king?" Stewart asked.

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He goes on to play a clip of former GOP candidates Chris Christie and Will Hurd, as well as US Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) getting boo'd by MAGA crowds after criticizing Trump.

"Truth is, Trump is the real cancel culture — emphasis on 'cult,'" Stewart emphasized. "Because on the Right, you can say whatever the f—k you want about gay people and trans people, from TikTok to Patreon. You can decry DEI, from podcasts, to — I don't know, the governor's office of Florida — and chances are, not only will you be fine, you'll get a raise. But if you ever dare speak out one iota against Donald Trump, be yes afraid."

Watch the video below or at this link.

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