'Trump is the real cancel culture — emphasis on cult': Jon Stewart slams MAGA woke whining

Jon Stewart returns to "The Daily Show" (Photo: Screen capture/Comedy Central video)

The Daily Show Host Jon Stewart Monday skewered far-right media pundits over what he described as a hypocritical condemnation of victimhood culture in which they paint themselves as the biggest victims.

Stewart lashed out at Fox News hosts such as Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham for their repeated and public rants against "woke cancel culture" he argued had nothing on them.

"This is their identity now," Stewart said. "They say what they want if you get upset about it, you don't believe in freedom."

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Stewart's live audience broke out into spontaneous laughter when faced with a clip of Hannity declaring that he was not the type of person to become easily upset.

"Sean Hannity can say with a square head, 'I'm not the kind of guy who gets outraged?" Stewart demanded. "He's basically just a meat bag support system for a forehead vein."

The Daily Show then aired clips of Hannity promoting blood-boiling stories about 'disgusting' snowflakes whom he railed against.

"But every snowflake is different," a coy Stewart replied.

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Ultimately, Stewart argued the far-right's free speech complaints don't hold up to a modern age in which any and all internet users are encouraged to share their opinions.

"We are not censored or silenced, we are inundated," said Stewart. "And it is all weaponized by outrage hunters."

The segment then turned to Trump, specifically the speech in which he confused former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley and Rep. Nancy Pelosi.

Stewart showed viewers a clip Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) downplaying Trump's fundamental mistake.

In a robotic voice, Stewart claimed, "He is reversed aging, he is stronger, he is Benjamin Button, he will be our wisest baby president!"

Stewart argued Republicans such as Stefanik who lean over backwards to avoid criticizing the former president are the true perpetrators of a worrisome cancel culture.

"Denying reality still won't save you," Stewart said. "There's no level of loyalty deep enough to be free of Trump cancel culture...emphasis on cult."

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