Whitemills Wake and Aqua Park in Sandwich wants to host ‘world’s biggest events’ after getting green light for campsite and new lake

Water park bosses hope to host some of the world’s biggest wakeboarding events after getting the green light for on-site accommodation.

Whitemills Wake and Aqua Park in Sandwich wants to attract competitors and visitors from across the globe - like the town’s Royal St George’s Golf Club does when it hosts The Open.

Whitemills Wake and Aqua Park in Sandwich has secured permission for a new artificial lake, which will be located on the field in the centre of this aerial image. Picture: Barry Goodwin

The plans had faced objections from some residents concerned over increased traffic and noise, particularly from late-night events held at the venue.

But the application - for a campsite and a new artificial training lake for water sports at the Ash Road site - was unanimously approved by district councillors at a meeting last week.

A report from consultants on behalf of Whitemills said: “We are planning on hosting some of the UK and world’s biggest wakeboarding events, which will attract riders and audiences from across the globe.

“The locations chosen for such events are generally those with on-site accommodation as it's obviously preferably for those competitors.”

Hume Planning consultancy says that Royal St George’s bid to host The Open in 2021 was boosted by converting a former clubhouse into accommodation for competitors. It was the first time in 10 years the course was selected for the prestigious event.

Photograph of the existing wakeboarding lake in use. Picture: Whitemills

Whitemills got permission for 23 pitches for tents and touring caravans, plus seven static caravans.

Its new 73-metre shallow training lake, close to the existing inflatables arena, will be for wakeboarding beginners, with a depth of just 1.5 metres.

Meanwhile, a new single-storey facilities building will be built - and parking spaces increased from 100 to 131.

Gary Sawyers, from Whitemills, told Dover District Council’s (DDC) planning committee on Thursday: “Wakeboarding is a growing sport, not only in the UK but also across mainland Europe.

“Through hosting world-class events at wakeparks, we are seeing an increase in tourists from Europe travelling to the UK and spending their holidays contributing to the local economy.”

Where the new campsite will be located at the aqua park. Picture: Barry Goodwin

The application had 21 letters of objection from the public and seven supporting the scheme.

Those opposed said it would be an overdevelopment of the site and cause traffic, parking and highway safety problems. They also feared noise and disturbance for locals.

Former nightclub manager Philip Summers wrote that while the park is well run during the day, residents had been subjected to “utterly irresponsible parties and noise pollution” after dark.

“It was terrifying to the local livestock and pets. The bass levels pounded through the walls and it was relentless,” he said.

“At night, they have been shown to be reckless, thoughtless and irresponsible.”

Pictures from an event taking place at Whitemills Wake and Aqua Park in Sandwich in August 2023

In March, Whitemills’ owner Wayne Cooper told KentOnline that they put on “a bit of music” in the evening after hosting the UK National Championships last year.

“Then the week after we had a band on from 7pm until 9pm and we checked the decibel levels and the readings were well within the average,” he said.

A separate bid to have more events at the park has been approved - but no more than three will be held, with music only played until 11pm at the latest to ensure people who live nearby are not disturbed.

“It’s not going to be like a nightclub every evening,” Mr Cooper said.

“People from day one have been opposed to the wake park. It’s frustrating because the park has been successful but there’s always someone out there.

The application by the Whitemills Wake and Aqua Park in Ash Road, Sandwich, was voted through on Thursday

“No matter what we do, I feel like we’re never going to stop them moaning.”

The park’s website advertises it as a venue for parties - including hen dos, stag dos and corporate days. Among the events lined up this summer is an afternoon performance from reality TV star James “Arg” Argent, who is now a wedding singer.

Other concerns raised were that the proposed lighting will be visible from the A256 and be a distraction to motorists - and that the new “trailer park” will “further blight the entrance to the town”.

Council officers had recommended approval of the scheme and their report concluded: “The proposed development is considered to expand and diversify the existing sports and leisure facility, whilst providing additional tourist accommodation within a sustainable location.”

DDC’s planning committee gave a unanimous thumbs-up for the proposals, with all 10 members voting in favour.

Cllr Roger Knight congratulated the applicants from Whitemills Wake and Aqua Park in Sandwich. Picture: Dover District Council

Cllr Jeff Loffman said: “I think this development is an excellent opportunity for the whole area.”

Cllr Roger Knight said: “We have to congratulate the applicant for looking at a site that for years has been just a wasteland and bringing something into the area that will do the community a power of good. I’ve got nothing but support for it.”

Cllr James Back pointed out the Environment Agency and Kent Highways had no objections to the proposals.

Whitemills officially opened on July 9, 2022. Over the last two years it has quickly become a popular destination for locals, tourists and sports competitors, being one of few similar leisure facilities in the region.

It already has inflatable climbing frames and slides in the centre of an existing lake.

Dover district councillor James Back

It also has areas for open water swimming, stand-up paddle boarding and a lakeside restaurant.

Wakeboarding involves riding on a short, wide board resembling a surfboard and performing acrobatics while being towed by a motorboat.

Soon, Whitemills will not be the only watersport venue in the area.

Earlier this year, a huge surf park was approved to be created at former colliery Betteshanger Country Park – just five miles up the road.

It will be able to create more than 20 different wave types from 50cm to 2m, providing rides of up to 15 seconds long for all ages and abilities.

A luxury hotel and spa were also approved for the land.