Video footage emerging from Tottenham makes mockery of controversial £33m decision

The latest video footage from Tottenham proves that the decision to overhaul one of English football’s oldest traditions is utter nonsense.

Spurs rounded off their season with a 3-0 win over Sheffield United last Sunday, five days after their 2-0 defeat to Man City confirmed their failure to qualify for the Champions League next term.

But the dust had not even begun to settle on 2023-24 before the North London side jetted out to to Melbourne, Australia later that same day.

Photo by Justin Setterfield/Getty Images

As confirmed by a video posted on their Twitter account, Spurs players were seen boarding the plane ahead of their controversial friendly against Newcastle United on Wednesday.

As well as sparking concerns among fans about the physical state of their players, the footage also makes a mockery of a controversial decision forced through by Spurs and their Premier League peers in April.

Spurs are hypocrites over decision to scrap FA Cup replays

The decision to scrap FA Cup replays after the first round the from 2024-25 was met with outrage when it was confirmed earlier this year.

Daniel Levy and his colleagues in the Spurs boardroom are believed to have thrown their weight behind the move alongside the rest of the top flight.

The EFL meanwhile has insisted that the decision was reached solely between the FA and the Premier League, with no consultation for the lower leagues.

The FA said that “up to £33m” in funding would be given to grassroots as part of the overhaul, but that did little to quell the anger among teams for whom replays can be a huge source of income.

Player fatigue in a bursting fixture calendar was universally cited as the main driver behind the decision.

However, that is at complete odds with the fact that Spurs have jetted out to play a meaningless friendly 10,000 miles away just hours before the final whistle had sounded for the last time in 2023-24.

How much will Tottenham earn from Australia friendly vs Newcastle United?

There is only one reason that two Premier League sides would fly halfway across the world and risk draining their best players in a non-competitive game…

No official financial figures have been released for the friendly at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, but Spurs are likely to rake in around £10m all in all from their pre-season exploits ahead of 2024-25.

Photo by Robin Jones/Getty Images

That will include a substantial cut of ticket sales at the 100,000-seater stadium in Australia’s second most populous city, as well as tour sponsorship and merchandising revenue.

Spurs are no doubt capitalising on the popularity ofAnge Postecoglou in his home country.

They are due to fly out to Japan later in pre-season, another country where the manager has plied his trade.

This will all contribute to Spurs’ transfer budget, which is now locked in ahead of the window opening in mid-June.