Rescue the Demon King in 'Skul: The Hero Slayer' (PC/Xbox/PS4/PS5)

Skul is a brave skeleton with a mission: to save the Demon King. When playing this character, you throw heads and fight enemies with coffins. Southpaw Games/dpa

Berlin (dpa) — "Skul: The Hero Slayer" doesn’t offer the typical hero-versus-bad guy conflict. In this game for PCs and consoles, the usual story is turned on its head.

You step into the bony shoes of Skul, a small skeleton who sets out on a heroic mission: to rescue the captured Demon King. But the path to victory is paved with many dangers.

The story begins with an ancient peace agreement between humans and demons. Then the humans break their oath, capture the Demon King, and kill all of the non-human beings that stand in their way. It is now up to Skul, a simple soldier of the Demon King, to save the demon world.

Over the course of the game you collect skulls that give Skul special abilities and powers. In total there are over 30 of them to combine to perfect your playing style.

With the standard skull, Skul can throw it to deal out damage and also to teleport. With another skull, he can attack with a coffin or bring dead poets to life.

However, it's not just skulls that influence tactics. A variety of items are available, from bonus damage to special inscriptions that grant additional abilities. As a result, the game offers a lot of tactical depth.

You have to be careful because there are many dangerous enemies. From ordinary soldiers to gigantic bosses corrupted by dark forces, Skul faces a variety of opponents.

In the game menu you will find a counter that tells you the number of times you've died. But even if you have to start over again, permanent bonuses help you improve. With a lot of patience you can rescue the Demon King and save the world from impending doom.

The game combines challenging gameplay with a charming pixel art style. However, despite the appealing soundtrack and the beautiful graphics, the game offers little that is new.

The story remains shallow and the difficulty curve can be frustrating at times. Still, it offers a worthwhile experience for fans of roguelite games. "Skul: The Hero Slayer" is available for PCs, and the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and 5 consoles for around €17/$17.

In "Skul: The Hero Slayer" you control Skul, a small skeleton who wears a purple cloak and wields a bone as a weapon. Southpaw Games/dpa
Boss battles in "Skul - The Hero Slayer" are difficult and require lots of patience. Southpaw Games/dpa
While the humans hunt down all the demons and dark creatures, only one small skeleton manages to escape: Skul. Southpaw Games/dpa
The witch, the master of magic and transformation, offers permanent character upgrades. Southpaw Games/dpa

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