River Cam footbridges at Jesus Green and Baits Bite closed

Footbridges at Jesus Green Lock and Baits Bite Lock will be closed after structural issues were discovered with the lock islands.

A survey commissioned by the Conservators of the River Cam has revealed issues with the lock islands in both Cambridge and Milton locations.

Cambridgeshire County Council is working to temporarily close both bridges from this afternoon (Tuesday) as a precaution.

The closures will enable further surveys and assessments to take place to understand the impact of the lock islands’ condition on the bridge structures. They will not affect access to the River Cam towpaths or access to Fen Road, Milton.

Cllr Alex Beckett (Lib Dem, Queen Edith’s), chair of the authority’s highways and transport committee, said: “We have a duty to ensure the safety of our paths and highways and we understand that this will come as disappointing news to the local communities including the River Cam community and those regularly using the footbridges, particularly with the beer festival this week.

“Our officers are liaising with the Cam Conservators, the Environment Agency who operate the sluices in these locations and city and South Cambridgeshire District councils on both of these closures.

“We will be keeping the public and our stakeholders updated on our work by sharing further news later in the week once bridge surveys have been carried out. We will reopen the bridges as soon as we are satisfied with their safety.”

Alternative pedestrian routes for Jesus Green Lock footbridge are Magdalene bridge and Victoria Road bridge. Clayhithe Road bridge or the Abbey-Chesterton footbridge are the nearest River Cam pedestrian crossing points to Baits Bite Lock.

Diversion signage will be put in place as soon as possible on both sides of the river in both Cambridge and Milton to advise pedestrians of alternative routes.