Imprisoned Peter Navarro plans to speak at the Republican National Convention

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Disgraced former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro is making plans to speak at the Republican National Convention in July despite serving a prison sentence for contempt of Congress.

While serving four months in prison, Navarro spoke to Semafor about his plans.

"Navarro said he hopes to speak at the Republican National Convention if he can make it out in time," Semafor reported, "with his scheduled release date of around July 17 falling in the middle of the gathering. He wants to tout Trump's economic agenda, laid out in a book he has been wrapping up in prison, The New MAGA Deal, which will be released the week of the convention."

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Navarro suggested his book was a blueprint for the first 100 days of Donald Trump's second term.

"Trump will also quickly seal the border and begin mass deportations," the former adviser told Semafor, "Biden has imported a wave of crime and terrorism along with an uneducated mass that drives down wages of Black, brown, and blue-collar Americans. Blacks and Hispanics, particularly males in the workforce, are flocking to Trump in droves."

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Navarro also predicted that Fed Chairman Jay Powell would be ousted and "will be gone in a hundred days one way or the other."

He recommended Trump's Former Council of Economic Advisers Chair Kevin Hassett as a "logical replacement."

According to Navarro, the tariffs Trump placed on China did not impact inflation.

"The imposition of tariffs on Communist China had ZERO impact on inflation. In a general equilibrium economic world, tariffs over time boost growth and real wages; they are not inflationary," he insisted.

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