Trump's not 'saying quiet part out loud, he's shouting': Ex-aide on 'unified Reich' video

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The co-hosts of "The View" weren't shocked by the latest Nazi reference by the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential candidate.

On Monday, President Joe Biden's campaign called out Donald Trump for a video that shared a series of headlines about his new order.

"BORDER IS CLOSED — 15 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS DEPORTED" read one fake headline. Another said, "MAGA!!."

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But when one zooms into the article under the fake headline, it reads: "Industrial strength significantly increased ... driven by the creation of a unified Reich."

The "Third Reich" was used by the Nazi Party to reference the time they ruled over Germany.

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has several newspaper clips, including one in which Adolf Hitler calls for a "united German reich."

Former White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin spoke to her colleagues about it, recalling some of Trump's other phrasing previously used by Nazi Germany.

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Trump accused immigrants of "poisoning the blood" of America, which harkens back to rhetoric that Hitler once used against Jews.

Sunny Hostin recalled Trump allegedly telling Gen. John Kelly that "Hitler did some good things."

"We've been pointing this out for quite some time," Whoopi Goldberg explained. "Cause this is the state that we live in. This is the state we live in. And when you have somebody like this who talks about 'garbage-hole' countries, I'm not going to say the 'S' word because that will freak everybody out, you know."

She was referencing an attack Trump made while president when he insulted a number of predominantly Black countries.

"Or when you're listening to people get rid of history, erasing history," she explained, referencing the elimination of Black history due to claims of "critical race theory" by the far-right. "This is not new for us. This is a horror that everybody should be really freaked out by. And I trust most Americans to recognize what this is and to do the right thing when it's time to vote because at this point now, it's like, look, it's right there. There is no shading."

"They're saying it out loud now because there is no fear. That's how they used to feel about us," Goldberg said.

Griffin interrupted and explained that she questioned whether it was wise to highlight Trump's Hitler-like rhetoric during his hush-money trial, although she ultimately concluded that it was.

"I was on the fence. Are we really going to do the topic? It's wall-to-wall coverage of his trial. His trial, which if he committed the crime — I believe he did — he should be held accountable. But does it impact millions of Americans the way someone calling for a third reich, or saying immigrants poison the blood of America and the rhetoric he uses?" she asked.

She explained that she considers it important to "call it out" and supports elevating it in the news.

Trump's campaign claimed it was a mistake created by a staffer. They then attempted to claim it was stock footage of a newspaper.

"So I watched the ad a couple of times." Griffin explained. "They specifically selected lines about Trump. Trump wins by a landslide. Make America great again. Largest deportation program in history and then they chose this. So they want me to believe they chose all of those lines specifically, but that snuck in there? It doesn't even make sense. It's not like he's saying the quiet part out loud. He's shouting it."

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