Singer waves 'gun around' mid-interview before watching YouTube videos for 30 minutes

A revealing interview on Kid Rock revealed exactly what the gun-toting Republican is like behind closed doors.

From beef with Bud Light to controversial political endorsements, the last few years of Kid Rock have seen a lot more tales about his political views published than news about anything music-related. Though he was a fairly celebrated artist back in the 90s and early 2000s, Kid Rock, real name Robert Ritchie, now appears to be something of an erratic character – if this latest anecdote about the Donald Trump supporter’s mid-interview behavior with a gun is anything to go by.

Kid Rock reportedly ‘waves gun’ around during Rolling Stone interview

Photo by Daniel Boczarski/Getty Images for Churchill Downs

Rolling Stone writer David Peisner recently enjoyed, or rather endured, the experience of visiting Ritchie on his personal land in greater Nashville – an experience that will arm him with a host of dinner party tales for years to come, if nothing else.

Presenting his findings in an interview (which contains strong language throughout), Peisner endeavored to find out what exactly Ritchie is all about – and whether his views are sincere, deliberately aggravating, or a mixture of both.

While the writer packed in enough content to write a small novel, one particularly eyebrow-raising detail stood out. Having spent a few hours with Kid Rock, and witnessed him give an interview to Fox News, the pair went to the All Summer Long singer’s home studio to listen to some newk music – only for things to go “decidedly sideways”.

According to Peisner, after several tricky conversations about politics, and a chain of white wines that turned into Jim Beam and Diet Cokes for Ritchie, things escalated.

“He’s sitting in a dark leather chair, shouting at me about something or other,” writes Peisner, “when he reaches behind the seat, pulls out a black handgun, and waves it around to make some sort of point.”

Rather alarmingly, Ritchie supposedly went on to say: “I got a f*****g goddamn gun right here if I need it! I got them everywhere!”.

According to Pesiner, Rithcie proceeded to insist on showing his guest a seemingly never-ending stream of YouTube videos – many of which were clips of him performing.

In an interaction that reads as though it would have been extremely frustrating for the writer, Ritchie allegedly insisted repeatedly that each video was the “last one”, leaving Pesiner, who didn’t know the area and was effectively stranded, in a rather precarious position.

Kid Rock also asked him to write up a ‘bad interview’ as it gives him press. Perhaps his wish came true?

After rejecting multiple offers to stay the night, Ritchie finally agrees to drive Pesiner back to the house – leaving the journalist with ample quotes for the story, to say the least.

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