George Clooney to Attend Fundraiser for President Biden After He Criticized Amal

George Clooney is scheduled to attend a fundraiser for President Joe Biden next month even though Biden recently criticized Amal Clooney.MEGA

George Clooney is scheduled to attend a fundraiser for President Joe Biden next month even though Biden recently slammed Amal Clooney’s involvement in the ICC’s newly launched arrest warrant against Israeli’s Benjamin Netanyahu, has learned.

In a surprising development to come after Clooney’s wife recommended that the International Criminal Court issue an arrest warrant against Netanyahu on Monday, it was revealed that the Ocean’s Eleven star was set to attend a fundraiser for President Biden’s 2024 campaign in June.

Clooney’s wife recommended that the International Criminal Court issue an arrest warrant against Netanyahu on Monday.MEGA

According to the New York Post, Clooney – as well as actress Julia Roberts and former President Barack Obama – were expected to appear as “featured guests” at Biden’s upcoming star-studded campaign fundraiser.

The outlet reported that Clooney, Roberts, and Obama would be featured alongside “other top surrogates and supporters” next month, while the Ticket to Paradise stars would reportedly participate in a “contest” meant to bring money in for the current president’s re-election campaign.

But Clooney’s appearance and participation in the upcoming fundraiser could prove to be awkward – particularly because President Biden recently rebuked Amal Clooney’s involvement in the ICC’s decision to issue an arrest warrant against Netanyahu. has reached out to the actor's rep for comment.

As previously reported, George Clooney’s wife announced on Monday that she was part of a committee made up of international legal experts tasked with evaluating evidence of suspected war crimes committed by Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

Clooney was expected to appear as a “featured guest” at Biden’s upcoming star-studded campaign fundraiser.MEGA

Amal and the ICC panel ultimately concluded that there was evidence Netanyahu and Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as several Hamas leaders, committed crimes against humanity in their ongoing war in the Middle East.

“We unanimously conclude that there are reasonable grounds to believe that Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif, and Ismail Haniyeh have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, including hostage-taking, murder, and crimes of sexual violence,” Amal, who works as a human rights lawyer, said on Monday.

Amal and the ICC’s panel also determined that there was evidence that Netanyahu and Gallant were also guilty of crimes against humanity that included “starvation as a method of warfare,” “murder,” “persecution,” and “extermination.”

“I support the historic step that the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has taken to bring justice to victims of atrocities in Israel and Palestine,” Amal said on Monday.

Amal and the ICC panel concluded that there was evidence Netanyahu committed crimes against humanity in the Middle East.MEGA

Flash forward to Monday afternoon, and President Biden admonished the ICC for issuing an arrest warrant against Israel’s Netanyahu.

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President Biden also vowed to “always stand with Israel against threats to its security.”

“The ICC prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders is outrageous,” Biden charged after the warrant was issued for Netanyahu’s arrest this week.

“The ICC prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders is outrageous,” Biden charged.MEGA

“And let me be clear,” he continued, “whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence – none – between Israel and Hamas.”

“We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security,” the president concluded.