Kosovo Police Action Sparks Tensions, Lacks Coordination With International Partners, Says State Department

The State Department expressed its disapproval following the Kosovo Police’s recent action against the Serbian Postal Savings Bank in northern Kosovo, carried out under orders from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The raids on the Postal Savings Bank branches began simultaneously around 3 PM in all four Serbian municipalities: North Mitrovica, Leposavic, Zvecan, and Zubin Potok.

“We are disappointed the Kosovo Police took action at financial offices in the north of Kosovo at the instruction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” a State Department spokesperson told The Pavlovic Today in response to yesterday’s event.

These financial office issues have been central to “lengthy discussions” within the EU-facilitated Dialogue, according to the spokesperson. The uncoordinated actions by the Kosovo government once again blindsided both the EU and the US.

The actions by the Kosovo government mark yet another set of events that caught the EU and the US off guard. “This action was not coordinated with international partners and escalates tensions,” noted a State Department spokesperson. The US holds the view that what transpired yesterday “undermines perceptions of Kosovo’s good faith in resolving outstanding issues with Serbia through the EU-facilitated Dialogue.”

Under President Joe Biden, the US has consistently advocated for coordinated efforts with Kosovo’s government to support its Euro-Atlantic path. This stance was reiterated by Under Secretary of State Elizabeth Allen during her meeting with Prime Minister Kurti on May 19, 2024.

“The United States reiterates its clear concerns about the implementation of the amended Central Bank of Kosovo regulation that restricts the import and use of the Serbian dinar in Kosovo,” State Department underscored.

The United States urges the government of Kosovo to “return to constructive engagement” in the EU-facilitated Dialogue as the proper channel for resolving issues related to the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. What Secretary Blinken wants to see is Kosovo government to “address the basic needs of all its citizens — including those of the Serb minority — adversely affected by recent changes to currency regulations.”