EU ambassadors approve new sanctions against Russia, reports

Photo: EU ambassadors approved new sanctions against Russia (Getty Images)

The European Union (EU) ambassadors have agreed on new sanctions against the Russian Federation over human rights violations in the country, according to Radio Liberty journalist Rikard Jozwiak.

"EU ambassadors have just approved a new sanctions regime targeting human rights abuse in Russia - informally named after Navalny" Yozvyak wrote.

The journalist notes that the list already includes 19 individuals and 1 legal entity responsible for Navalny's death.

Sanctions against Russia

Navalny died on February 16 during a walk in the Arctic colony of Polar Wolf. He was serving his three-year sentence there. According to Russia, the probable cause of death was a blood clot. Navalny's death caused outrage among Western officials and provoked new sanctions against Russia.