Russia is the biggest threat to Europe for past 50 years - French deputy

Photo: French National Assembly deputy Julien Bayou (Getty Images)

Russia is the biggest threat to peace in Europe in 50 years. And the only one to blame for NATO's expansion is Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin, says Julien Bayou, the French National Assembly deputy, in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.

“NATO was almost dead and the only one guy that is responsible for Sweden or Finland to join NATO is Putin,” he said.

According to the deputy, if NATO is alive and expanding, it is only because Russia has been the biggest threat to peace and stability in Europe in the last 50 years.

Russia as a threat to NATO

Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Christopher Cavoli, recently stated that NATO will consider Russia a threat even after the war in Ukraine is over. Russia will remain a long-term threat to the Alliance, adding that the West will have a big Russian problem for years to come as Moscow works to increase the size of its army and recover losses.

As reported by the Institute for the Study of War, Russia regularly intimidates, in particular, Finland with “consequences” for joining NATO. Thus, the Kremlin seeks to restrain the Alliance's influence expansion into other countries and prepares the informational groundwork for prolonged confrontation with Western countries.

Regarding Ukraine, according to NATO's Director for Defense and Security Cooperation, Piers Cazalet, Ukraine will need NATO assistance even after the end of the war with Russia.