Relieve gas and bloating 'instantly' with simple move from naturopathic doctor

Bloating isn’t a serious health condition, but it’s painful and uncomfortable. However, there’s a simple exercise to get rid of it instantly, as demonstrated by a naturopathic doctor.

You can feel bloated for several reasons – weak stomach muscles, excess gas in the gut, poor diet, etc. In addition to the uncomfortable feeling, excess gas in the stomach also makes many conscious about their appearance. But there’s a quick fix thanks to the TikTok doctor.

Young fit sporty woman with painful face expression

‘Simple move’ to get rid of bloating

In a TikTok video, Dr. Janine Bowring demonstrates a massage technique that relieves you immediately of excessive gas and bloating.

Known as Ileocecal Valve Massage, the “self-care technique” is medically approved and safe to practice at home. Follow the below steps.

  • Find the spot between your right hip bone and belly button – where the Ileocecal Valve is located.
  • Use your fingers to massage the valve in clockwise circles.
  • Pull your hands towards the belly button ten times as demonstrated by the doctor in her TikTok video below.
  • Now pull your fingers from the left side of your intestine towards the valve to move the fecal matter and gas towards the valve.
  • The last step involves moving the fingers towards your right-hand shoulders with a jerking motion.

The doctor recommends massaging the Ileocecal Valve two hours after dinner for the best results.

3 tips to stop bloating

You can naturally reduce bloating by keeping up with your diet and making a few lifestyle changes. Here are three things you can do according to Dr. Janine.

  • Stop snacking between meals because it messes up your Migrating Motor Complex, which is necessary to evacuate the food out of your gut when you aren’t eating. Snacking interrupts the function.
  • The doctor recommends eating Sauerkraut as it is great for your gut microbiome.
  • Eating while sitting by an open window or in the sunlight is believed to influence your circadian rhythms and help the “clocks in your gut work in coordination with the clock in your brain” for proper digestion.

Dr. Janine Bowring is a Naturopathic doctor with over 25 years of experience. She graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Science in 1994 and earned her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.