3 common foods people eat every day can cause 'brain parasites', but there's a solution

A lot of our favorite foods, despite being branded “healthy”, can cause severe harm to the brain. A neuroscientist warns about three foods specifically.

The human brain goes through a lot of changes and ages just like any other organ. Your diet and lifestyle habits can severely impact your mental health, which can be bettered by making certain changes, such as using safer substitutes for sugar or eating almonds differently.

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Researcher warns against 3 foods that cause ‘brain parasites’

Did you know the parasites from certain foods we eat can enter the brain by invading the blood-brain barrier? This can cause, brain fog, headaches, and seizures in some cases.

In one of his TikTok videos, Neuroscientist and Alzheimer’s researcher, Dr. Robert Love, highlights three common foods that can cause parasites in your brain and how to avoid them.


This was a no-brainer. Sushi is known for causing parasites due to the raw fish used to make the dish.

He says eating it once or twice a week can increase the risks of parasites, which invade the blood-brain barrier to enter your brain.


People who often eat pork are also at risk of getting brain parasites. The neuroscientist suggests picking pork from small farmers instead of big factory farms where pigs aren’t treated well and can carry diseases.

According to the New York State Department of Health, you can avoid Trichinosis, a food-borne disease caused by a microscopic parasite called Trichinella, by properly cooking pork products.

It’s recommended to cook the meat to 145° F, with the food thermometer placed in the thickest part of the meat. Allow the meat to rest for three minutes before consuming.


The other common food that can carry parasites that enter into the brain is salmon. Like all types of seafood, salmon can be exposed to bacterial and viral contamination. This can pose plenty of health risks when consumed raw.

According to Healthline, raw salmon must be blast-frozen to -31°F (-35°C) to be consumed naturally, but this doesn’t guarantee the elimination of parasites. The recommended way of cooking is at 145° F just like pork.

Dr. Robert Love is a neuroscientist, researcher, and educator with over 2.1 million followers on TikTok. He “specializes in helping people prevent Alzheimer’s disease with science” and he’s the ” most watched neuroscientist on the planet,” according to his LinkedIn bio.

Dr. Robert Love and his work has been featured on television networks and magazines, while he’s leading a research team investigating a new FDA drug to help reverse Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.