'There's this energy': Inter Miami player now shares what it's really like training with Lionel Messi

Inter Miami winger Robert Taylor has shared what it’s really like training alongside Lionel Messi.

The Argentine international made the move to Florida last summer in one of the biggest moves in the history of soccer, with Messi adapting to life in MLS quickly with the Inter Miami forward breaking numerous records already this season.

With the Herons sat top of the Supporters’ Shield standings, Messi has set Inter Miami up perfectly to qualify for the playoffs and to go all the way in MLS Cup, a trophy Tata Martino’s side will be desperate to win.

And Taylor has now detailed what it’s like to train alongside Messi every day.

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Robert Taylor says Messi is making Inter Miami better in training

Speaking to the press, the Finnish international shared how training alongside Messi makes everyone in the Inter Miami squad better, with Taylor one of the many players who has statistically improved alongside the 36-year-old.

With Martino recently stating that Taylor will be one of the players Inter Miami will have to rely on when Messi departs for the Copa America, the former Brann star will want to show what he’s learned from the Argentine international, with the forward clearly taking on some key lessons from the veteran.

Taylor said when asked what it’s like to train alongside Messi for Inter Miami: “Everyone knows what he brings to the team on the field, he scores, he assists, he does amazing things on the field, he brings us results.

“And then in training, there’s this energy around the team, he makes everyone better, and that’s because of his personality, he wants to win every game in training, and I think that’s been lifting everyone up recently a lot.”

Photo by Andrew Katsampes/ISI Photos/Getty Images

Taylor will have to step up in a big way next month

With ten MLS starts this season, Taylor is clearly someone who has been entrusted by Martino to complete the attacking three alongside Luis Suarez and Messi, where the Finn has impressed.

Whilst three goals and one assist has hardly set the world alight this year, Taylor has proven he can step up when needed for Inter Miami, and the Herons will need just that when their two star forwards are gone for the month.

Indeed, Taylor has a good overall record in MLS and can do a job as the leading man for Inter Miami, and next month will be an important one for the 29-year-old attacker for his legacy in Florida.