Russia deployed massive construction of filtration camps for Ukrainians

Illustrative photo (photo: Getty Images)

On the Russian Volga, extensive construction of filtration camps disguised as children's pioneer camps has been deployed, according to the National Resistance Center (NRC).

According to the NRC, the camps consist of quick-assembly modular buildings, more like barracks, which will accommodate hundreds of visitors.

Recently, there has been an intensification of Russian filtration measures in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the Center reported. Particularly harsh checks are observed in the south of Ukraine.

Overall, the Kremlin has been building a system of filtration camps since the beginning of its attempts to occupy Ukraine, the NRC reminded. In such camps, people are checked for loyalty to the Russian authorities and attempts are made to create a database of residents of the occupied territories.

According to the latest poll by the Kremlin-controlled Levada Center, the absolute majority of Russian citizens support the war with Ukraine. They would approve of President Vladimir Putin's decision to end it on condition that the occupied territories are not returned.