Beaupre Community Primary School pupils in Outwell were visited by dinosaurs to celebrate the end of their topic

A village school welcomed some very old visitors this week as part of their topic.

The Reception Class at Beaupre Community Primary School and the Beaupre Under 5’s Nursery in Outwell had a dinosaur day to celebrate the finale of their dinosaur topic, which was organised by reception teacher, Mrs Eaves.

Jam, the T-Rex, and some of her baby dinosaur friends joined the children for a very special day of excitement, learning, and of course, fun.

Dinosaur Day at Beaupre Primary School
Dinosaur Day at Beaupre Primary School

The team of qualified teachers from TeachRex brought the “tallest, friendliest T-Rex that roams this planet” to meet the children.

They played games that tested her sense of smell and her hearing.

She even pretended to eat some of the children and one of the adults but, “fortunately, she only wanted to tickle their tummies”.

Dinosaur Day at Beaupre Primary School
Dinosaur Day at Beaupre Primary School

The children participated in an acting workshop to create a dinosaur chase using a ‘green screen’.

They then watched their work develop into a big-screen movie.

There was plenty of time for photo opportunities before a meet and greet with three baby dinosaurs.

Dinosaur Day at Beaupre Primary School
Dinosaur Day at Beaupre Primary School
Dinosaur Day at Beaupre Primary School
Dinosaur Day at Beaupre Primary School
Dinosaur Day at Beaupre Primary School
Dinosaur Day at Beaupre Primary School left to right Deliah and Martha
Dinosaur Day at Beaupre Primary School
Dinosaur Day at Beaupre Primary School

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