Morning Joe buries Nikki Haley's 'fact-free garbage' to justify Trump support

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough (MSNBC screenshot)

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough kicked off Thursday morning" "Morning Joe": with an epic tirade aimed at former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley for announcing her plans to vote for Donald Trump despite previously calling him a danger to the country. and suggesting he is in a stage of mental decline.

On Wednesday, Haley, who dropped out of the Republican party primary months ago, stated she would vote for the embattled ex-president currently facing 34 felony counts in a Manhattan courtroom, while vaguely accusing President Joe Biden of being a "disaster" without offering any particulars.

That led Scarborough, along with the rest of the "Morning Joe" panel to scorch her for opportunism.

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"She also called him [Trump] a bully, said he was unstable, said he was unhinged — too unhinged to get a driver's license," Scarborough ranted. "Now, it's like, 'Oh, Biden? He's a disaster.' I love how they talk about Biden being a disaster, they can't really name anything. They go, 'Oh, student loans, it's so horrible.' And they compare student loans with people trying to overthrow American democracy, not understanding just how out of it and how stupid."

"They don't call Joe Biden a socialist or a Marxist or a communist with the Dow over 40,000, with the economy stronger than it's ever been," he added. "Again, them not realizing just how stupid they sound. But, you know, everybody's got to choose, she has chosen. Unlike a lot of good conservatives, she's chosen the authoritarian leader, so let her go with that, and it's on her, not us."

Pointing to Trump's alliance with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Scarborough also scorched out Haley for saying the former president would hold America's enemies "to account," labeling her rationale " fact-free garbage."

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