Multiple indicted Trump fake electors 'excited' to offer their services again 2024

Donald Trump ( Photo by Evan El-Amin /

Despite the prospect of facing time in jail as part of a plot to overturn the 2020 presidential election by committing fraud, multiple so-called "fake electors" in three states are offering to duplicate their efforts in the 2024 election if called upon.

According to a report from the Washington Post, at least six of Donald Trump's supporters — several of whom are under indictment in their respective states — are seeking the position of an elector again, in some cases because they still think the charges against them are "bogus."

As the Post's Amy Gardner and Yvonne Wingett Sanchez are reporting, "Six activists in Michigan, Nevada and New Mexico have made clear to GOP leaders in their states that the investigations into their 2020 activities have not deterred them from seeking the position again."

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Speaking for his state, Pete Hoekstra, chairman of the Michigan Republican Party, told the Post, "There is no hesitancy at all to be put in that same position again. They would be excited by the opportunity to do it.”

According to Edward B. Foley, a constitutional law professor at Ohio State University, the very fact that the Trump activists are willing to reprise their 2020 roles despite their legal issues is a warning sign that another Jan. 6-type attempt to undercount the will of the voters is a very real possibility.

“At that point it’s not about electoral law,” he warned. “My expertise becomes irrelevant. It becomes a question of political violence. I hope we don’t have to go there but I do worry that if Trump is saying that it was stolen, you might see insurrectionist-type activity well before Jan. 6.”

According to one Republican leader, the 2020 fake elector plot has made it harder to recruit 2024 GOP electors, thereby opening the door to fringe Trump supporters.

Georgia GOP chairman Josh McKoon told the Post, "It’s a strategy designed to take something that used to be very prestigious, something that some of your top donors wanted, and was very coveted, and turn it into something that people are kind of terrified of.”

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