Crackdown sees strong police presence descend on main Canterbury route

Police have taken action against more than 80 people during a six-hour clampdown on unsafe driving.

Around 20 officers were spotted outside wholesaler, Booker, in Broad Oak Road, Canterbury.

The force has now confirmed it was carrying out checks and taking action against dangerous drivers on the stretch, on Saturday (May 18).

A total of 152 vehicles were stopped and checked by officers during the clampdown.

Of these, more than half had action taken against them.

This included 61 drivers being reported for offences including speeding, insufficient tyre tread and vehicle conditions likely to cause danger of injury.

Others were reported for not wearing a seatbelt, plus having no tax or valid MOT.

Around 20 officers and cadets were in Broad Oak Road, Canterbury. Picture: Ben Dadswell
Police were spotted outside Booker in Broad Oak Road on Saturday. Picture: Ben Dadswell

A further two vehicles were seized after being found to have no insurance, while another 20 drivers were given warnings for offences such as anti-social driving.

Special Inspector James Johnston said: "Kent Special Constabulary is all volunteers whose dedicated work in Canterbury during the operation aimed to remind motorists of their responsibilities to help keep our roads safe for all.

"If you get behind the wheel of a car which isn’t roadworthy or insured, it becomes a risk for other road users too.

"During this one-day operation, 54% of the vehicles seen had an issue and had action taken against them as a result.

"I hope it serves as a reminder to all motorists to play their part and to drive safely."